
Freak of Nature

Mindy saw this happen. Otherwise I wouldn't have believed it.

Our trampolene tumbled over our fence and into our neighbor's yard. The trampolene got tangled in our hammock on the way over the fence and broke the cross bar. My neighbor's trampolene was lifted straight up into the air and OVER the roof of his TWO story house and crashed on the other side. Our's is the one with the net.

There was no noise. No wind that we could see or hear. It didn't touch any of the other lighter-weight things in the yard right next to it. It must have been some kind of microburst or something.

The kids are bummed that we no longer have a trampolene or a hammock. The yard will look so empty now.


  1. Iam sorry for you. I hope that your insurance will cover it.

  2. I am glad that no one got hurt.

  3. holy moses. that is so AWESOME!

  4. Hmm... time to put in a pool? -Jeremy

  5. Maybe between the two magled tramps you can build one good one .... who should own it? Take out the fence and go halfsies.

  6. Hey just have Nate get a monster excavator and put it in the ground like we did to mine when you were at my house.

  7. That would have been a good idea yesterday afternoon. The neighbors hardly ever used theirs. My kids were on ours all the time. Now all that we have left is the sandbox and a tiny little tykes slide and an ikea teeter totter.

  8. Only in Texas, that's all I can say. When we lived there we woke up one morning to find an entire tent in our backyard. Dave asked all the neighbors on the streets around us and we never figured out whose it was.


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