
It's hard work

Toby gets up early for seminary each morning at 5:15 am. Since this is about 6 hours earlier than he got up most of the summer, this is how I often find him about 9:00 in the morning. He is supposed to be doing his school work, but he sometimes falls asleep in the middle. I don't blame him. I had to drive the carpool this last week since Nate was out of town. I am not a morning person. It was hard. Toby gets himself up every morning. He has only missed one day of seminary since he started last year.


  1. madison came home yesterday from school and crashed for 3 hours. seminary and long hours of homework are kicking her butt this year. poor kids need their rest!

  2. Young people do need their rest. Lots of studies show that kids would do better starting later in the a.m. and going till 4 or 5 - but few districts are willing to give it a try.


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