
Movie Marathon

The kids decided to watch all the Harry Potter movies in a row. SoFriday they watched the first 4 movies. Saturday they watched the last 2 after cutting down the Christmas tree and doing some Christmas Recital practice, some shopping and some eating. They finished around 9 pm. So Nate packed up the older 3 kids and took them to the late showing of Harry Potter 7. They didn't get home until 1 am. But it's pretty cool to watch the whole story at once. I guess I'll have to go some other time to see it for myself.


  1. I am jealous that sounds very fun. Axel and I watched all three extended lord of the rings one year. Lots of tv but it was nice to see the story all at once.

  2. I think this was the best movie. I am going to watch all of them before the next movie comes out. Aunt Leslie

  3. I feel like we need to watch all of them in a row - not sure how we could pull that off - the last time I watched a bunch of movies in a row - the Hornblower series actually - was when I was recuperating from my knee surgery. I need some painless surgical procedure that will get me out of work for 3 weeks again!!

    The critics have been less than kind - but the latest one I read said that he was pretty sure the panning would not affect the fans!!

    I enjoyed it myself.

  4. We've done Lord of the Rings twice. Once we staggered it out over three weekends. The next time we did all three in a row over Friday night and Saturday.

  5. I was the one that provided the food for the Lord of the Rings marathon. It was fun. We will have to go and see Harry Potter when we get into town. There are no bootleg DVDs here in this town.


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