
New Thanksgiving Tradition

I started a new Thanksgiving Day tradition with my family this year. I read about it on some blog somewhere. (I can't remember which one - I follow waaayy to many.) But I really like this idea.

I got a big blank sketch book. Each year I plan to put it out during our gathering and have everyone sign it. Even little kids. Each person can write a line or two to say what they are thankful for. Or just sign it. Then I'll take a group picture of everyone in attendance and place it in the book on the pages signed for the year.

This way, I'll remember who was there every year. And have a record of how things change and/or stay the same each year.

So I started this year. I don't think I got all the kids to sign that were there. But I got most of the adults. And of course my family. The group shot was minus a couple sister missionaries that left before I knew it. As with all new things, it will take me a bit to get the hang of it. But I am excited about this new little memory book for Thanksgiving.

Now I've just got to remember it next year.


  1. I always want to do yearly "memory" books for occasions - and envy those who do - I'm sure they will make wonderful reading in a few years!

    Speaking of traditions, how does the Kerksiek Candy game work?

  2. Candy game details are posted in the post just before this one.

  3. That tradition sounds like a very good one. I have always wanted to do that kind of things while we were overseas. I tend to forget who came to our house so many times. I wanted to have a guest book for all those who came to visit us while we were in the different parts of the country. I did it in Mongolia but never got around to doing it in the other places. I guess once is better than never. I hope that you can continue to do it for the next several years.


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