
It's all your fault

I was talking to my friend Katie the other day when she came to pick up her daughter Briton, whom I had been keeping while she went to an appointment.

Katie: Briton keeps asking "Why?" all the time. It is driving me nuts.

Me: Really? (I had just watched her for three hours and gotten the full "Why?" experience) Hazel just asks "What?" all the time.

Katie: Yeah. Briton used to ask "What?" Then a couple days ago she started asking, "Why?"

(It suddenly dawns on me that there is something I need to tell Katie about that.)

Me: Oh, about that: When Briton was over a couple days ago she was talking to Nate and asking "what?" A LOT. So...

Nate says: Hey Briton, You want to know a better word to say? Say "Why?" all the time instead.

Katie: AAHHHH!!! So it's all Nate's fault!

Who knew she would actually understand what he was saying? Just goes to show...you never know when the kids are really listening.


  1. Doesn't Nate like these poor people? First the car, and now this.......

  2. Earl has a good point. Both Jake and I laughed at that one.


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