
Remember these?

We had these same clips when I was a little girl. I have been looking for these for awhile. And finally, after 3 walmarts, 2 HEB's, and 2 Tagets, I found them at Super Target. I wanted something that would stay in Hazel's hair and didn't involve a ribbon. Anyway, I bought both sets that they had and she wanted every single one in her hair last night. Then she promptly pulled them all out after 2 minutes and pretended they were food in her play kitchen. At least she is using them for something, if not for her hair. We'll try again tomorrow.


  1. I have some of those from when I was a kid. My mom gave them back to me. I hated them so I have just stashed them away somewhere.

    Shhhh, don't let the kids know, then they would want to play.

  2. What a fun little gal she is!


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